
Aktuelle Beiträge aus dem Institut, der Forschung, Lehre sowie dem Weiterbildungs- und Serviceangebot des Instituts für Betriebswirtschaft.
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Teamevent des Weiterbildungsteams

19. September 2023

Raus aus dem Office und rein in die Natur. Heute war das Weiterbildungsteam des IfB im Rahmen eines Teambuilding Tag im schönen Appenzellerland unterwegs. Wandern, feines Essen und Appenzell erkunden. Schön wars 😊

St.Gallen Board Conference

18. September 2023

On Friday, 20th October 2023 the St.Gallen Board Conference takes place, where Tomi Laamanen from our institute takes part as speaker. In view of the tectonic shifts affecting global economies today, Tomi Laamanen will reflect on how much modern boards should be involved in shaping corporate strategy. How can the board find the right balance and what strategic capabilities must board members bring to the table?

The conference has been designed for like-minded peers who seek to have insightful debates on latest trends in corporate governance and boardroom best practices, and for those who seek to pursue inspiring encounters with experienced non-executive directors.

New Case Study: Evolution of the ‚HOME‘ Ecosystem: The Case of Helvetia

12. September 2023

A recently published Case study of Prof. Christoph Lechner and Theresa Maria Seehofer about Helvetia’s #businessecosystem transforming it from a traditional #insurance provider into a customer-journey dreams, allows students to gain insights into the #insuranceindustry. By working with the #casestudy, students will gain knowledge on three levels. First, students are introduced to the concept of an #ecosystem in general (description). Second, they analyze the business ecosystem of Helvetia Insurance Group (Helvetia Versicherungen Gruppe) in particular (analysis). Third, students envision the options available to Helvetia’s ecosystem in the future (transfer).

You can gain access to the case study here:

Obstacles and strategies in ecosystem governance: a view from the orchestrator side

7. September 2023

Christoph Lechner and Max Dexheimer from our institute together with Nikolaus S. Lang and Charline Camilla Wurzer from Boston Consulting Group (BCG) recently published an article in the Journal of Strategy and Management about «Obstacles and #strategies in #ecosystemgovernance». The authors already have a broad range of studies on #ecosystem governance in the literature. However, research dealing with the dynamics of governance regimes is quite rare. The study examines how orchestrators of #platform ecosystems react to emerging obstacles they are confronted with during the evolution of their platform ecosystems. Partly, these strategies might be expected, but mostly they show #innovative approaches for handling these obstacles that have not been reported in research so far.

You can download the article here:

Our PhDs Dora Maric and Thomas Starck at EURAM 2023

26. Juni 2023

Greetings from Dublin! Our PhD candidates Dora Maric and Thomas Starck and Assistant Professor from Erasmus Rotterdam Xena Welch Guerra joined this year’s EURAM 2023 Annual Conference at Trinity College Dublin in Dublin, Ireland. After presenting their working papers on #coopetition strategies in #platform #ecosystems and on the role of #advisors in #mergers and #acquisitions, listening to various inspirational paper presentations, and meeting various scholars from all around the globe, they return home full of new ideas and friends! A big thank you to the #EURAM2023 team, especially the EURAM Strategy SIG (SIG 13), for making their first encounter with the #EURAM community so enriching and for being so inclusive and supportive!

Dora Maric presenting at the EUDPRN

19. Juni 2023

Our PhD candidate Dora Maric was invited to present her working paper on complementor homing strategies in #platform #ecosystems at the PhD workshop of the first summit of the European Digital Platform Research Network (#EUDPRN) at the SDA Bocconi in Milan, Italy. This event allows selected junior scholars to present their latest research, receive feedback from senior scholars of different disciplinary backgrounds (e.g., strategy, entrepreneurship, marketing, information systems, economics), and deepen their professional networks.

Schweizer Firmenlauf B2Run in St.Gallen – Wir waren dabei

6. Juni 2023

Wir waren dabei! Gestern fand der Schweizer Firmenlauf B2Run in St.Gallen statt. Von der Universität St.Gallen gingen ingesamt 60 Personen an den Start. Mit dabei vom IfB waren Joachim Stonig, Theresa Maria Seehofer, Rhea L. Riemke und Heinrich-Jakob Wild

Research Seminar on 1.06.2023

5. Juni 2023

Come and join our next research seminar with Prof. Dr. Yan Anthea Zhang from Jones Graduate School of Business, Rice University .

Time: Thursday 1.06.2023 from 1.30 – approx. 2.30 p.m.
Location: Room A 24-4-218
Title: Caught between Female Tokenism and Female Dominance: Examining the Impact of Female Presence on Evaluations of Entrepreneurial Projects in the Technology Field

We are looking forward to this session!

HSG beteiligt sich an Forschung für eine nachhaltige Wirtschaft

22. Mai 2023

Tolle Neuigkeiten! Letzte Woche fand in Bern die Abschlussmedienkonferenz des Nationalen Forschungsprogramms NFP 73 statt. Ein Vorzeigeprojekt im Rahmen des NFP 73 war das Projekt «Laboratory for Applied Circular Economy» (LACE), das an der HSG von Prof. Dr. Karolin Frankenberger und Dr. Fabian Takacs federführend vorangetrieben wurde. Gemeinsam mit der Eidgenössischen Materialprüfanstalt (EMPA) und der Universität Lausanne leisteten die HSG-Forschenden in diesem Projekt einen weitreichenden Beitrag zur Etablierung und Erforschung der Kreislaufwirtschaft.

Herzliche Gratulation zu diesem Erfolg!

We got 16 conference papers accepted!

9. Mai 2023

What a success! We got 16 papers accepted at the Annual Conferences of the Academy of Management, The Strategic Management Society and EUROPEAN ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT.

Congratulations to Prof. Dr. Karolin Frankenberger, Christoph Lechner, Tomi Laamanen, Tim Meyer, Martina Montauti, Ann-Kristin Zobel, Lukas Falcke, Benedikt Schuler, David N. R., Joachim Stonig, Heinrich-Jakob Wild, Dora Maric, Xena Welch Guerra, Dr. Alexander Paul Wallot, Thomas Starck, Alexander Göritz, Di Bian, Kata Isenring-Szabó and Theresa Maria Seehofer for this great achievement.

Research Seminar on 11.05.2023

8. Mai 2023

Come and join our next research seminar with Prof. Arnaldo Camuffo from Bocconi University.

Time: Thursday 11.05.2023 from 12.15 – approx. 1.30 p.m.
Location: Room A 24-4-218
Title: Curbing the Addition Bias: Scientific Approaches and Propensity to Subtract in Entrepreneurial Ideas Development

We are looking forward to this session!

Credit-Suisse-Übernahme: Die Verantwortlichen sollten es wissen

4. April 2023

Credit-Suisse-Übernahme: Die Verantwortlichen sollten es wissen. Angesichts der Unumkehrbarkeit des Transaktionsentscheids ist zu hoffen, dass das Risikomanagement von UBS professioneller sein wird als dasjenige von CS in den vergangenen Jahren. Prof. Müller-Stewens teilt seinen Gedanken zu diesem Thema in einem Beitrag bei der Finanz & Wirtschaft.

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